Sometimes it is impossible to stop looking at the one thing you admire the most. Attraction happens without us even knowing, until we are allready prisoners. As we don't really have many options, Cherry Brandy brings all the joy of love in a pure, soft and outstanding rose. We guarantee it will make your heart bloom. ​
Colour Cherry Bronze Novelty
Stem Size 60-90 cm
Vase Life 12-14 days
Flower Size 5-7 cm
Wether you believe on magic or not, roses have a certain mysticity behind them that makes people feel alive. Friendship, Love, Inspiration, Appreciation, are just some of the thousands of emotions our Voodoo Rose can bring to your soul. Voodoo color and form brings sweet shivers to mind, heart and soul.
Colour Orange
Stem Size 50-70 cm
Vase Life 14-16 days
Flower Size 5-7 cm
Created by God, Designed by Mother Nature, Driven by Passion, Inspired by love, Impulse is a push forward on every possitive direction on any situation. As life seems hard, Impulse brings you straight back!
Colour Orange
Stem Size 50-70 cm
Vase Life 14-16 days
Flower Size 5-7 cm
Frank Sinatra said "Orange is the happiest Color", and we agree with him. It is hard to express with words, the feelings a color can bring to our hearts, still, we are sure Orange Magic a Rose that brings happiness and magic to everyone who holds it in their hands, or perceives it through any sense. ​
Colour Orange
Stem Size 50-70 cm
Vase Life 14-16 days
Flower Size 5-7 cm
Colour - Orange
Stem Size -50-70cms
Vase Life -12-14 days
Flower Size -5-7 cm
Colour -
Stem Size -
Vase Life -
Flower Size -
Colour -
Stem Size -
Vase Life -
Flower Size -